We shall only be open for the one month of August 2025 and the Indian Summer Bazaar. Otherwise It’s by appointment – Groups of 15 persons or more (June to October) - Find out more
You will be shown a fascinating way to transfer leaf forms to paper, making 15-20 Ecoprints. Local and familiar flowers and leaves will be used to make 15 – 20 contact prints revealing colour, texture, and pattern to your papers. You will learn the process of layering plants, applying mordants, clamping papers together, simmering your bundles in a pot and revealing your magical outcomes. You will be shown some ideas about what you can do next with your leaf prints. Once they have dried at home you can frame mount, stitch or collage with them. You will have sufficient knowledge and skill to get started with Eco printing at home, detailed notes will be sent to you after the course to help you along with this.
All materials are provided and Included in the course fee with sufficient paper stock and mordants. Other necessary printing materials including steam pots, foldback clips, clamps, steel plates, disposable gloves, will be supplied on the day. I will be collecting a number of dependable leaves to print from the Prairies and from my own garden and local hedgerows.
Self service coffee, tea, biscuits are included in the fee. Lovely cakes will be available to purchase in the café, you may wish to bring a sandwich or similar for lunch on the go.
price will be £90.
Suitable for beginners.
For further details and to make a booking please contact Amanda at amandagduke@gmail.com or visit her website https://www.amandaduke.co.uk/
Paul & Pauline McBride,
Sussex Prairies Wild
Morlands Farm, Wheatsheaf Road (B2116),
near Henfield, West Sussex, BN5 9AT