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Events & Courses

Photo by Marianne Majerus

Lino printing with Emma Taylor


Friday 20th September 2019 | 10:00am - 2:00pm

Lino printing with Emma Taylor



Course outline


Lino Printing for all

This workshop is aimed at anyone who would like to explore lino printing techniques for the first time or extend previous knowledge on a larger scale. We will be using the gardens as inspiration looking at the beautiful flowers and foliage to design simple motifs. These designs will then be hand carved into soft cut lino that carves much more easily than old fashioned lino and gives wonderfully clean prints. We will print a small edition onto varied papers and backgrounds. Printing onto fabric gives a fantastic starting point for extending into stitch too.

We can also explore three colour reduction lino printing techniques for those more confident. Most participants will produce variations of their design with layers of different colours.

All the skills that learn at this four hour workshop can be transferred straight home to your kitchen table!


Costs: £55 per workshop


All materials will be included in the price.


For more details and to secure a place on this workshop please contact.


emma@emmataylorprint.co.uk   or 07540191437


Please note that the September date might be subject to change depending Autumn teaching commitments. If there is change a full refund will be made if you cannot make the change of day.



About Emma Taylor


She studied Fine Art in Cardiff at the University of Wales in the early 90s with one foot in the painting studios but gravitating to the warmth of the printmaking studios. Her work embodies the two disciplines with collagraphs produced with paint, card and carborundum and cut into integrate intaglio and relief printmaking.
Emma has worked as an Art teacher for many years with a focus on GCSE and A Level in a highly successful Art department in Sussex and held the position of Head Of Art for five years before leaving to focus on her family and printmaking.
Her wealth of experience and expertise in education has inspired countless students and they, in turn, have opened her eyes to the joys of returning to her own creativity.

She has exhibited in several Open Houses and local galleries and is a member of Sussex Arts Collective. This is her forth teaching season at Sussex Prairie Gardens!



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Sussex Prairies Wild

Morlands Farm, Wheatsheaf Road (B2116),
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, West Sussex, BN5 9AT

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