We shall only be open for the one month of August 2025 and the Indian Summer Bazaar. Otherwise It’s by appointment – Groups of 15 persons or more (June to October) - Find out more

Events & Courses

Photo by Marianne Majerus

Making Your Mark – a day of tool & mark making with Emily Jolley & Lucy Williams


Sunday 10th October 2021 | 10:00am - 2:00pm

Making Your Mark – a day of tool & mark making with Emily Jolley & Lucy Williams

Cost £55 includes entrance to the garden and access to the garden room

With Emily Jolley and Lucy Williams

We will forage for materials in the gardens and surrounding farmland and

then return to make tools using traditional, hand made techniques. We will

then utilise our tools to make beautiful marks with ink on paper.

Lucy brings her basketry and tool making experience to the design and

constructing magical objects. Emily, a professional painter/ teacher will

guide you through making marks and using the wonderful garden to inspire

and liven up your approach to drawing.

This course will guide you towards a unique way of working, looking at

your process of creating marks through constructing your own personnel

tools that can be taken away to continue exploring and developing ways of

making marks.

These processes are a great way of freeing up, moving away from traditional

art practice. Working this way can help to foster a more immediate

approach to drawing and painting and develop greater connection with


There will be plenty of time to enjoy the teashop and you are welcome to

stay on and enjoy the wonderful gardens after the course has finished

Cost £55

Includes all materials but you are welcome to bring your own sketchbooks

and any special items you wish to make tools from

Too book contact Emily at jolleyemily@gmail.com or call 07758836695


instagram @totallylucid



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Paul & Pauline McBride,
Sussex Prairies Wild

Morlands Farm, Wheatsheaf Road (B2116),
near Henfield
, West Sussex, BN5 9AT

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  1. Sussex Heritage Trust Awards 2022 Winner.